Central Dauphin High School Jazz Ensembles are in-class ensembles comprised of students playing saxophone, trombone, trumpet, clarinets, piano, guitar, bass, and drums. There will typically be only one or two performers per part to allow students to grow as individual players with a unique responsibility to the group, and all Jazz students are expected to practice consistently.
Jazz Orchestra (grades 10-12) is a high achieving band. Selected in the preceding spring by audition, there are a limited number of students selected, with the Band Director expecting the highest level of dedication from each musician. Jazz Orchestra performs many concerts throughout the year both in school and in the community, as well as participation in district, state, and national concert festivals and contests.
Big Bands is an in-class ensemble comprised of students in grades 9-12. They perform at concerts throughout the year both in school and in the community, and participate in district, state, and national concert festivals and contests. The CDHS Band Program Jazz Ensembles have performed at the Essentially Ellington Festival, the Pennsylvania Governor's Residence, at various community venues and events, and at concerts and dances at the high school.
In school class attendance and participation, as well as outside of school hours concert attendance and at home practice;
Have your own or borrow a school owned instrument;
Attire for concerts may vary in color and includes wearing slacks and shirt/blouse, or a dress, all conforming with CDHS Dress Policy;
Any additional information or instruction given by the band director;
The CDHS discipline policy is in effect at all marching band functions, both in school AND outside of school.