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Here are the Booster Coordinator positions available

for YOU to take on for the 2021-2022 School Year!


Skills & Abilities needed = a good heart & a little time.


Interested in playing your part? 

Email for more information.

Event Foods

Fundraising Product Sales

Band Banquet

Knoebels Jazz Picnic


Event Parking

Business Sponsorship Program

Raffles/Small Games of Chance (we are licensed)


Positions currently held by underclassmen parents, but will need filled in the future, AND can always use additional help now:


Spring Craft Show

Spirit Wear

Band Camp Meals

Program and Graphic Designer

Marching Band Uniforms


Alumni Outreach


And officer positions currently held by underclassmen parents on the Executive Committee**:




Financial Secretary

Recording Secretary


**Any Booster parent can be nominated and run for any officer position, with elections held each spring.  Please refer to our by-laws, listed under the Forms tab.


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